Monday, September 19, 2011

Random G

Richie nicknamed Griffin "Random G" a few years ago.  It is not a name that we call him, but we just use it to refer to things he does.  He says a lot of things that you just can't believe a 7-year old would think or say.  They are usually not intended to be funny, because he is a very serious little boy.  He is also in costume very every afternoon after school.  I thought I would share a couple of our most recent Random G quotes.

The first one happened last week on our way to school.  We had to pull over because an ambulance was coming up from behind us with the siren on.  From the back seat, I hear...
Griffin: "I hate seeing ambulances."
Me: "Why?"
Griffin: "Every time I see one I think of blood and death and zombies."
Exactly. That's what everyone thinks of, right?

On Friday at breakfast, we were talking about how well Griffin is doing in math.  (Both Mamie and Griffin hate math and have a little math anxiety.)  He tells us this is what his teacher told them while they were working on their math on Thursday at school.
Griffin: "Mrs. Arnold told us, 'Y'all are so good at math!  You're all going to be bankers!' "I thought to myself, that sounds like a horrible boring job and I'm probably never going to do that."
Me: "I think she was just trying to encourage y'all Griffin.  You don't really all have to be bankers."

Also, if you have ever driven with just Griffin in your car, you know that he is very quiet and it's virtually impossible to get him to carry on a conversation.  He is by no means a quiet or shy kid, so this has always been odd.  Richie got a little insight as to why when taking him to school last week.
Richie: "Griffin, you don't really like to talk much in the car do you?"
Griffin: "I like to talk to other people in the car, just not really the driver."
Richie: "Why?"
Griffin: "Because I don't want them to have a crash."
(By the way, neither of us has been in a wreck since we have been married.)

And I'll leave you with a picture of a costume he threw together after school the other day.  This one is his Cyclops from X-Men costume.  Apparently he read a book about him at school that day during independent reading time, and it was on his mind.

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