Griffin scheduled a football game for Sunday afternoon too. However, the girls had lost interest by then, so it just ended up being he and Richie. Here is the flyer that he made for the game. (In case you don't read "1st Grader Handwriting" it reads, "Tomorrow Afternoon, Unless Rain, Tennessee Lions vs. Memphis Cougars Football Game, Free, No Tickets.")
These are the team pictures he had me take. He doesn't have any pads, so he had on a batman shield and he stuffed clothes under his jersey. He also tied a whistle to the helmet, and he pretended that was his mouth guard.
Here are some of the action shots from the game. It was very serious as usual from Griffin. This was a very "real" football game to him.
Whoops! Losing some of the "football pads."
After the game was over, I went up to his room and found this "kheck lisit" that he had made for the game. I guess he needed to make sure he didn't forget any part of his uniform. He included: batman chest shield...check, clothing under shirt for padding...check, football pants...check, helmet...check, whistle (a.k.a. mouth guard)...check, jersey...check, cleats...check, gloves...check, and finally the wristband...check.
(I hope to have some more posts for the girls soon. They don't like me taking their pictures as much.)
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